Donation Goal GadgetTo track your fundraising efforts, you can add a donation goal to a page on your site. The donation goal gadget displays a progress bar that measures progress towards your financial goal. You can insert the gadget into a page onto your site, or into a page template so that all pages that use that template will automatically display the gadget. Using the gadget's settings, you can control its appearance and behavior. |
Donation goal
| Donation goal
| Donation goal
Using this gadget, you can highlight your sponsors or partners, display your board of directors, or shine the spotlight on your volunteers or latest new members. The featured member gadget displays information about a specified number of members, drawn randomly from a saved search or from selected membership levels.
Within its settings, you can specify a gadget title, choose the layout and style of the gadget, and select up to 3 fields to display for each member.
Featured member | Featured member | Featured member |